Coaches Training

Frequent Questions & Answers

FAQ'S About Coaches' & Training Requirements

Q. How do I know which type of coach I should register as?
  • Register as a coach by selecting either the “Certified Coach” or the “Helper Coach” registration option.
    • You are a “Certified Coach” if you coach students without supervision.
    • If you are a Head Coach, you register as a Certified Coach.
    • You are a “Helper Coach” if a Certified Coach is always present when you are working with students.
Q. What is the difference between a Certified Coach and a Head Coach?
  • All Head Coaches must meet the requirements for being a Certified Coach, but all Certified Coaches are not Head Coaches. A Head Coach has the responsibilities of voting and providing leadership for the team, including enlisting administrative support as needed. A Certified Coach can be in charge of supervising students without the Head Coach present, such as for supervising dry land training, for example, or they can supervise other situations when the Head Coach is not available.
Q. What are the requirements to become a certified coach?
  • Register online annually, includes:
    • Signing an agreement to abide by the OISRA Coaches Code of Ethics,
    • Agreeing to use “Good Practices” as described in the Abuse/Molestation Guideline,
    • And, abide by the Oregon Statue 30.985 (Duties of Skiers)
  • Pass a criminal background check annually
  • Abide by the signed OISRA School Agreement form
  • File incident reports as necessary
  • Complete the following coaches Training Courses (see OISRA Policies, section 5):
    1. NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching, a one-time requirement. The USSS Coaching Principles Course satisfies this requirement.
    2. NFHS Concussion Awareness training annually. The USSS SafeSport or School District hosted training may be substituted.
    3. NFHS Bullying, Hazing ad Inappropriate Behavior course required every three years. The USSS SafeSport or School District hosted training may be substituted.
    4. NFHS Protecting Students from Abuse course required every three years. The USSS SafeSport or School District hosted training may be substituted.
    5. NFHS First Aid Certification every two years. Note: other first aid courses may also fulfill this requirement.
    6. NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest every two years. A current CPR certification may be substituted.
Q. What are the requirements for a Helper Coach?
  • Register online annually, includes:
    • Signing an agreement to abide by the OISRA Coaches Code of Ethics,
    • Agreeing to use “Good Practices” as described in the Abuse/Molestation Guideline,
    • And, abide by the Oregon Statue 30.985 (Duties of Skiers)
  • Pass a criminal background check annually
  • Abide by the signed OISRA School Agreement form
  • Complete the following coaches Training Courses (see OISRA Policies, section 5):
    1. NFHS Concussion Awareness training annually. The USSS SafeSport or School District hosted training may be substituted.
    2. NFHS Bullying, Hazing ad Inappropriate Behavior course required every three years. The USSS SafeSport or School District hosted training may be substituted.
    3. NFHS Protecting Students from Abuse course required every three years. The USSS SafeSport or School District hosted training may be substituted.
Q. Who pays for the coaches required courses?
  • OISRA pays for all required courses
Q. How are the courses ordered?
  • After you register online, the OISRA Administrative Assistant will send you an email message that explains which courses you need to take, and the Administrative Assistant will order the courses for you.
  • If you are a returning Certified Coach or Helper Coach, you confirm that the OISRA records are correct before the OISRA Administrative Assistant orders the courses you need. You will receive an email message from NFHS giving you access to the courses you need.
  • If you are a first time Certified Coach, the OISRA Administrative Assistant will order the courses for you.
Q. When I complete a course, how will this completion date get recorded?
  • The OISRA Administrative Assistant compiles completion date records for all OISRA coaches.
  • The Administrative Assistant checks the NFHS online records for recording the dates when coaches have completed the NFHS courses.
  • The OISRA Administrative Assistant's records are continuously updated and posted.

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