Western U.S. High School Championships

Resource for Oregon Participants

March 12th - 15th, 2025 at Grand Targhee Resort in Alta, Wyoming

Note: The Western US High School Championships are NOT an official OISRA event or affiliated with OISRA. This is a USSS sanctioned high school competition. This web page is a courtsey for the Oregon Team.

Western US High School Championships
The inaugural Western US High School Championships were held in March 2020 at Mammoth Mountain. States in attendance included California, Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming. The goal is to bring together the top High School racers in the Western Half of the United States to compete for their State in a Championship format event, participating in GS and SL. This event is a US Ski and Snowboard Sanctioned, Non-Scored, event.

Coaches and League Reps,

(Message from Coach Willy Scroggins) This year I happen to have the honor to be your Western Regional Oregon Team Director.  I am humbled by Jason Hattery from Metro for stepping aside and allowing me to become the new Director for the State of Oregon. His last 4 years have laid the groundwork for us to show off our top athletes from our State. Besides the Director's change, we have also made changes to how our team selection is made. 

This year the selection criteria is going to be solely based on state results by using a single matrix for each sex.

Rules for Setting up the Matrix (one for boys and one for girls)

Each OISRA State race run will be a scored qualifying run that will be enter onto a matrix.
Columns for each event are arranged with the top ranked racer first. 

After the two day (two runs each day) race is completed, selection is made by moving across the matrix, left to right, and choosing the racer in  each column before moving to the next row. If a racer has previously been chosen from the matrix, that racer is skipped over, and the selection procedure continues. If a column does not  contain a racer, the blank column is skipped, and selection continues across the board.

In the event of a tie, the overall combined time will be used in both SL and GS.

Top results are placed on the matrix first.

GS run 1 SL run 1 SL run 2 GS run 2
1st A B E D
2nd D X A C
3rd G D Q E
4th F E X Z
5th R Z D Q
6th Z M F D
7th Q Q B M
8th T N C N
9th I I W X
10th M T M U

Matrix continues as needed until a 12 person team is selected.

In the above example, selection would be: A, B, E, D, X, C, G, Q, F, Z, R, & M

Alternates, T, N, I, W, U

If you examine the matrix carefully you may note that G only appears once, A and C  appear twice and in different disciplines in the matrix. Which means all 3 had at least 1 good run over the 2 day 4 race runs to qualify for selection. The change is made so Oregon can try and do its best to field the state's best HS athletes to represent at the Western Regional Championships.

The selection matrix gives every athlete competing at the State Championships an opportunity to qualify for the team even if they have a bad series, but were able to throw down one run to qualify.

Team scoring at regionals is the same as OISRA.

The Western Regional Team selection deadline is March 8th, 1 day after OISRA State competition. Because of the Western Regional deadline, we will require a deposit of $250 made by February 26th, 2025, by 7:00 PM PST to secure a spot on the team if your athletes should qualify by the selection process set forth over the 2 days of OISRA state competition. Deposits will be made to a gofundme account: https://gofund.me/609b427e

The deposit will allow us to know which athletes are seriously hoping to make the team selection and travel to The Grand Tetons to compete. If the deposit of $250 is not made by February 26th, 2025 by 7:00 PM PST, and the athlete qualifies by the board selection over the 2 days of OISRA state competition, the athlete will not be permitted to compete at the Western Regional's and will forfeit their spot on the Western Regional Team for the State of Oregon.


Deposit will go towards coaches lodging/meals/travel/coaching fees. The $250 is non refundable should the athlete qualify and decide not to go. Refunds will be given back to those athletes that do not qualify by matrix selection, but make the initial $250 deposit by March 3. A refund will also be given back should an emergency arise that will not allow the athlete to compete should the said athlete qualify. A written note signed by the athlete and the athlete's parents must explain why the athlete could not compete in order to receive a refund.

In addition to the above Team Fee ($250), each athlete will be responsible for their race entry fee ($120), transportation, meals and lodging.

Families should plan ahead for the eventuality and consider their schedules, costs, and lodging.

Entry Fee

$120 Training day, mandatory bib + 2 races (March 12th TR, GS and SL) $85 Training day, mandatory bib + 1 race (March 12th TR, GS or SL)

All entry fees will need to be collected by March 8th, Deposit TBD by the Regional Director next month.


Questions regarding Team Oregon Qualificaitons can go through your state coordinator, Willy Scroggins, awillygoodcamp@gmail.com,
Event questions (send to Willy first) can be sent to USSS Regional Director Lucy Schram, lucyschram@gmail.com

2025 Championships will be held at Grand Targhee Resort WY
March 12th – Training
March 13th – GS Ladies
March 14th – GS Men
March 15th – SL Both Genders

Click Here for the 2025 Championships race announcement.
Champs hat will be available onsite for purchase. 

Event requirements:
All racers must hold one of the following US Ski and Snowboard memberships: Alpine Non-Scored Athlete (AS), Short Term Alpine (STA) if under 18 years of age, or Alpine Competitor U16 and Older (AC U16). Memberships can be obtained at www.usskiandsnowboard.org

Helmets: All helmets must be FIS approved, no exceptions
Skis must meet US Ski and Snowboard equipment rules

All coaches must hold a US Ski and Snowboard Coaches membership (can take up to two weeks to pass all background and Safesport requirements). Memberships can be obtained at www.usskiandsnowboard.org  Oregon will take 4 coaches. If interested please send me a bio of your alpine coaching credentials and a short discription on why you should be part of the staff. Coaches will be announce by February 28th. If you do not have a vaild current USSS Coaches membership by Feb. 27th you will not be selected.

Team size is 12 men and 12 women. Top 6 finishers of each run count for the team score (this allows DNF or DSQ first run to get a 2nd chance to potentially score points for their team). Combined times count towards individual standings.

Awards: Top 3 Men’s Teams, Top 3 Women’s Teams, Top 3 Combined Teams, Top 5 for men’s GS, Top 5 for men’s SL, Top 5 for women’s GS, Top 5 for women’s SL

State Team entries are due by Saturday, March 8, 2025 end of day on master team excel. Team seeding will be due by Monday, March 10, 2025, end of day.

Nevada – 2 leagues

USSS Information Page

Grand Targhee Resort

For more information about the team representing the state of Oregon contact Willy Scroggins

OISRA Sponsors