Kelsey Race Information

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Annual Kelsey Memorial Race

2017 was a beginning of tradition, the first Annual Kelsey Hewitt Memorial Sportsmanship Race. This race is being run in honor of Kelsey who was a former OISRA ski racer, state qualifier, team builder and wonderful sportsmanship example in her racing years of 2006 though 2009.

Sadly Kelsey died in skiing accident at Jackson Hole, Wyoming just before Christmas in 2015.

Kelsey along with her father Randy formed the Grant/Cleveland ski team.

For twenty five years the three Portland area Alpine ski leagues opened their season with the Cato Memorial race at Timberline lodge. A race also memorializing a wonderful athlete lost in a tragic accident at Timberline. The last race was run in 2015.

In 2016 the three Portland area leagues decided to continue on the path of the traditional Cato Race and hold an event at Mt. Hood Meadows called the Sportsmanship Race. In the following year it was decided to honor Kelsey by changing the race to the Kelsey Sportsmanship Race.

Kelsey Race organizers hope that high school athletes from around the state will join in with the fun to begin their ski race seasons.

Activities include a table of home made cookies & costume contest for teams and individuals emphasizing the Sportsmanship & Camaraderie theme.

The planned venue is a four wide dual GS race format. Two timed runs for each sex running side by side. Top Three finishers for each sex and teams will be announced.

Kelsey Race Day

Specific Race Information

The 2025 Kelsey Sportsmanship race will be held January 5th, 2025 at Mt. Hood Meadows.

Race details & information Click Here
Race Day Schedule (pdf) Click Here
Start Orders & Results Click Here

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